YouTube videos

Researcher Pitches

Acoustics Research Group

Atmospheric Flows Research Group

BME Combustion Research Group

Critical Systems Research Group

Electromobility Research Group

Energy in Buildings Research Group

Energy in Buildings Research Group

Engineering Geology and Geotechnics

Flow Stability Research Group

Department of Environmental Economics and Sustainability

HDS Hemo Lab

Heterogenous Real Time Distributed Embedded Systems Laboratory

High Pressure Research Group

High Performance GPU Programming and Sonochemistry Research Group

Human and Social Data Science Lab

MGL Laboratory of Plastics and Rubber Technology

Nonlinear Dynamics of Interconnected Systems Research Group

Photovoltaic Systems, Nano and Microelectronics Research Group

Quantum Communication and Computing Research Group

Research Group on Mechatronics

Structural sustainability and resilience of built heritage Lab

Transport Systems and Mobility Services Research Group

Turbomachinery Research Group

Vehicle Control and Machine Learning Research Group

Wave Energy Conversion Research Group

Innovation Day and Competence Fair 

BME Innovation Day 16 June, 2022.

BME Competence Fair 17 June, 2022.

BME Competence Map and  Competence Fair

BME Innovation Day and Competence Fair aftermovie

BME Competence Fair
17 June, 2022

Would you like to:

  • expand your international network, find new academic and industry partners from  Hungary and all over Europe?
  • grab an easily accessible opportunity to meet fellow researchers working on the same field?
  • know more about the research we are doing at BME and get in touch with us through an easy-to-use and fun networking platform?
  • start building your own international network as an early career researcher
  • find partners for upcoming Horizon Europe calls in all Clusters and Widening?

The BME Competence Fair is a first of its kind program for showcasing research and creativity, disseminating results and facilitating multidisciplinary cooperation. The aim of the event is to facilitate the meeting of like-minded experts from all over Europe for future research collaborations and European grant applications.

The hybrid (online and in-person) event will provide various opportunities for building connections: research pitches, thematic breakout room discussions and networking sessions. The program will also feature panel discussions on trending topics of the European Research Area.

The networking will be facilitated by an innovative mobile application (Whova) for setting up smart profiles, initiating 1:1 or group discussions around topics of interest and organizing meetups.

The networking application is already active – upon registration (please scroll down for the registration form) you are going to receive an invitation and instructions how to enter the platform.

Tips how to make the most out of Whova networking possibilities to begin connections that last during and after the rest of the event:

  • set up your profile or import info from your LinkedIn account. Based on the interest areas you indicate, you are going to receive recommendations whom to contact.
  • send 1:1 messages to participants, launch a conversation, exchange contact information
  • create discussion topics and invite like-minded colleagues to talk about your research interests and potential collaborations
  • initiate virtual meetups, promote them via the community wall for potentially interested participants and invite attendees
  • upload photos or videos to the community wall
  • participate in the Speed Networking session, where you are randomly assigned to a virtual table and have the chance to meet a variety of interesting people from various research fields
  • share your profile, meetup or community via your favourite social media channels




BME Z épület 9.emelet. 908.

