BME Innovation Day
16 June, 2022.
BME is organising the BME Innovation Day again this year, building on a long tradition. The aim of the event is to make BME the Center for University – Insudtry Cooperation organisation responsible for innovation:
- Demonstrate the innovation results achieved through industry-university collaborations,
- Raise the interest of current and future university partners in the opportunities for joint cooperation with BME,
- Present our Knowledge Centre in Balatonfüred (8230 Balatonfüred, Fürdő utca 17/b.).
Every year, the organisers invite a KEYNOTE speaker to present the current business trends of the year in an accessible, lively 20-minute talk. This year’s KEYNOTE speaker will be Thierry Klein, CEO of NOKIA BELL LABS, who will give a presentation on „Shaping the Future of (Industrial) Collaborative Business Creation”.
BME Competence Fair
17 June, 2022
The BME Competence Fair is a first of its kind program for showcasing research and creativity, disseminating results and facilitating multidisciplinary cooperation. The aim of the event is to facilitate the meeting of like-minded experts from all over Europe for future research collaborations and European grant applications.
The hybrid (online and in-person) event will provide various opportunities for building connections: research pitches, thematic breakout room discussions and networking sessions. The program will also feature panel discussions on trending topics of the European Research Area.
The networking will be facilitated by an innovative mobile application for setting up smart profiles, initiating 1:1 or group discussions around topics of interest and organizing meetups.
Are you ready for the first session of the EELISA Innovation Talks?
On 17th of June at 10am (CEST) we will meet to talk about green technology and social innovation.
On this occasion, this Innovation Talk will take place in the context of the online and in-person international networking event “Competence Fair” held by Budapest University of Technology and Economics
10-10:45 EELISA Innovation Talk: Stimulating green technology and social innovation through European collaboration.
The panel members will be presenting and discussing novel methods of co-creation in support of the European Green Deal, such as citizen science, living labs and the creation of positive energy neighbourhoods. The session will be focusing on good practices and experiences of professionals working with co-creation based innovation ecosystems.
Panel members: Alice Sheppard (Community Manager at Extreme Citizen Science, University College London), Dr. Peter Kaderjak (Director, BME Zero Carbon Hub), Koen Vervoort (Network Builder, ENOLL – European Network of Living Labs)
Moderator: Dr. Borbala Schenk (Chief European Research Funding Advisor, BME FIEK)
BME Innovation Day and Competence Fair Registration Form
In case of queries please contact the organizers: Dr. Borbala Schenk, Chief European Research Funding Advisor at